Do you want...

  • Faster cooking times?

  • Improved kitchen confidence?

  • Increased recipe knowledge?

  • Cost savings?

  • A more healthful diet?

If you said YES to any of these questions, then our Knife Skills 101 is for YOU!

Why Knife Skills?

Because when you cook from scratch, knives are used more than any other tool.

Once you know how to hold, chop, rock, clean, and store your kitchen knives and cutting boards, your efficiency and ease in the kitchen will improve dramatically! Plus, you'll now be able to chop, slice, and dice colorful and nutritious fruits and vegetables, which are foundational in healthy diets!

Cook confidently. Simplify nutrition. Feel better. (no bs)

Whether you're a seasoned home cook, or a total kitchen newbie, Knife Skills 101 was made for you!
three dietitians cooking in a kitchen


  • How long can I access the course content?

    Forever!! Your one-time purchase gives you lifelong access to Knife Skills 101, which means you can pause, rewind, and rewatch as much as you want, for as long as you want!

  • What if I don't have time to watch all of the course content at once?

    That's okay! We know that this is a lot of information to take in. Lucky for you, as a To Taste community member, you can pause, rewind, and rewatch any of the videos at any time!

  • How else can I learn to cook confidently?

    Great question! Check out our Whole Life Meal Plan or our recipes page, where you can receive step-by-step instructions to making delicious and nutritious recipes to your taste! Both links can be found at the top of this course page.

  • Is this online course CEU-approved?

    Not yet, but we're working on it! Stay tuned for updates to come.

  • Why is To Taste qualified to teach this course?

    As registered dietitians, classically trained chefs, and culinary medicine specialists, we are uniquely positioned to teach you skills that will also promote your long-term health! We have over 35 years of combined industry experience.

Knife Skills 101 Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Knife Skills 101 Pre-Test: Test Your Knowledge!

    • Pre-Course Survey

  • 2

    Section 1: Knife Skills 101 Introduction

    • Knife Skills 101: Section 1 Equipment & Ingredient List

    • Knife Skills 101: Entire Course Equipment, Ingredient, and Recipe Lists

    • Chapter 1: About To Taste

    • Chapter 2: Why Knife Skills?

    • Section 1 Quiz

  • 3

    Section 2: Overview of Knives

    • Knife Skills 101: Section 2 Equipment & Ingredients List

    • Chapter 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 2: Types of Knives and Knife Parts

    • Chapter 3: Knife Care

    • Chapter 4: Sharpening & Honing

    • Chapter 5: Cutting Boards

    • Chapter 6: Knife Grip

    • Section 2 Homework

    • Section 2 Quiz

  • 4

    Section 3: Knife Control and Cuts

    • Section 3 Equipment & Ingredients List

    • Chapter 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 2: Rocking Technique

    • Chapter 3: Slicing & Dicing

    • Chapter 4: Chopping Technique

    • Section 3 Homework

    • Section 3 Quiz

  • 5

    Section 4: Fruit

    • Section 4 Equipment & Ingredients List

    • Chapter 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 2: Lemons & Oranges

    • Chapter 3: Apples & Pears

    • Chapter 4: Avocados, Mangos, and Peaches

    • Chapter 5: Cantaloupe, Watermelon, and Pineapple

    • Chapter 6: Strawberries

    • Chapter 7: Fruit Recipe Ideas & Homework

    • Section 4 Quiz

  • 6

    Section 5: Vegetables

    • Section 5 Equipment & Ingredients List

    • Chapter 1: Introduction

    • Chapter 2: Aromatics - Onions, Bell Peppers, & Garlic

    • Chapter 3: Root Vegetables - Sweet Potatoes & Red Potatoes

    • Chapter 4: Tomatoes & Romaine Lettuce

    • Chapter 5: Cauliflower

    • Chapter 6: Cucumbers

    • Chapter 7: Herbs

    • Chapter 8: Vegetable Recipe Ideas & Homework

    • Section 5 Quiz

  • 7

    Section 6: Knife Skills 101 Conclusion

    • Knife Skills 101 Complete! Now What?

  • 8

    Knife Skills 101 Post-Test: Test Your NEW Knowledge!

    • Post-Course Survey

Meet Your Instructors

Founder and Culinary Nutrition Expert

Chef Vahista Ussery, MS, MBA, RDN

Chef V’s nutrition philosophy is all about keeping it simple. She likes how journalist Michael Pollan puts it: “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.” Focus on consuming a variety of whole and natural foods. Load up on fruits and vegetables (especially vegetables) and make your plate colorful and tasty! Stay away from fads and look around the world for real life examples of longevity.

Founder and Culinary Nutrition Expert

Chef Lindsey Schoenfeld, RDN

Chef Lindsey encourages people to stop looking for the “next big thing”. Make small changes, look for fewer ingredients, incorporate more whole foods, and always add more plants!

Community Engagement Strategist and Culinary Nutrition Specialist

Lexi Cole, RD, CCMS

Lexi believes that eating healthfully should be enjoyable, sustainable, and fulfilling. Choosing plant-forward and minimally-processed foods is the best way that we can ensure that the foods we put in our body maintain our health. Learning basic culinary skills can help us along the path to health and is a fantastic tool to take with us throughout our entire lives!

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